The Marguerite Rogers House Museum
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The Alvin Historical Museum
Location: Alvin, Brazoria County, Texas, United States

The Alvin Museum Society's constitution was adopted on April 12, 1976. The Society's stated mission is "to preserve the history of Alvin and its immediate area by heightening residents' awareness of the value of saving the past for the benefit of the future. Exhibits, programs, and activities that educate the museums' patrons are offered. Selected for preservation are structures, objects, documents, photographs, oral and visual histories, and all artifacts that add to the telling of Alvin's story." The Society owns and operates the Marguerite Rogers House Museum and the Alvin Historical Museum both of which are open for touring.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

At the October General Membership meeting Rusty Paulus, local resident, model train enthusiast, and member of the Houston “S” Gaugers presented the program.
 Photos from the meeting