Quarterly Meeting Report
The Alvin Museum Society met February 26, 2006, at 2:00 p.m. at the Alvin Senior Center. After the business session, two presentations were made as well as an opportunity to view the photographic commentary on the 1900 Storm. During refreshments, everyone tried to guess the "surprise artifact". The meeting was well attended and everyone had a good time. Many thanks to the volunteers for the delicious refreshments!

Gary Appelt presented a framed photo of the old Alvin Depot that was found during renovation. Accepting on behalf of The Society is Mona Travis.

Larry and Nancy Phillips are shown giving a copy of Larry's autobiography, My Life Story,to Mona Travis, Vice-President of the Alvin Museum Society.

The mystery artifact, a beehive sprayer, was not such a mystery. There were 11 correct answers. Janie Whitaker's name was drawn as the winner. Presenting Janie a copy of the History of Manvel is Anna Kettler.
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